Monday 31 March 2014

More terror and fear should be expected

Who should restore Kenyans’ faith?
Urging the public to report matters to the responsible authorities is a waste of time.
Who is responsible for the security of Kenyans if not the government? The government should not entirely depend on the citizens to feed them with information concerning impending terror attacks and the likes.
Joseph Ole Lenku has totally failed in his business as the Interior Cabinet Secretary.  If at all so far nothing has happened to curb the increasing cases of terrorism, then Kenya is headed for doom forever.
Terrorists find their way into the country without any problem. Who knows maybe these terrorists buy their ways into this country? In Kenya, with this high level of poverty punctuated with corruption, anything is bound to occur.
The other time it was a mystery of empty bullet boxes found abandoned in Nakumatt Junction mall, with no trace of the culprits responsible.
A hand-held grenade
This time round, it is a bomb shell that has been found in a church in Mpeketoni that is ‘harmless’.
Lenku says the bomb shell traces back to World War II, how did it find its way into the church to interrupt the faithful? Yet, all the time, someone wants to be fed with information by the public.
The police and the intelligence systems have failed to do their job, who are the citizens to do it for them?
Time has come for the government to stop ‘launching investigations into the matter’ and giving of the statement ‘we have formed a commission of inquiry’. Unless the government changes its ways of handling matters on terrorism, then Kenyans should expect more.
Thanks to God for the terrorist who died when the improvised explosive he was assembling went off in Pangani. One can figure out the number of people who would have been killed by the explosive, if the plan were successful.

Kenyans die and those who remain alive live in fear anticipating anything bad anytime.
With the current trend, nothing can be achieved much and at this rate at which those who drink and drive are senators, we should expect less.
Give to Ceaser what belongs to Ceaser. Similarly, give security to citizens, they deserve it. Sitting at a round table taking coffee over unseen business and plans on how to embezzle and misappropriate public funds should stop. Let someone wake up from the slumber because any more wastage of time means loss of more lives through terror.
I appeal to the government to set up permanent strategies that will see this problem on terror end with immediate effect. Let Kenyans die the natural deaths; old age, sickness and many others but not be killed by the government which has failed to fight insecurity.

  (This work is entirely my opinion)

Sunday 30 March 2014

Luhya Unity? Already exists

Luhya unity; dream fulfilled long ago
“Great civilization is never conquered from without until it has destroyed itself from within”. This quote by Allen Durant has greatly dominated the Western Kenya’s way of politics.
Luhyas have over time demonstrated the highest form of democracy that this nation would admire.
This has been evident through the general elections that have been conducted in this country. People from the western region do not show any bias in terms of ethnic or bloc voting as experienced in other parts of Kenya. Instead, they exercise mature, liberal democracy and tolerance to the divergent ideas of their counterparts.
What kind of unity do our leaders want for our brothers from western? If this democracy they show is not yet unity, what is unity?
I know how our leaders want the people of Kenya to unite, every tribe for itself; God for us all! Divide and rule. Each and every leader who stands to address a forum in western Kenya must talk about Luhya unity.
I envy western Kenya, for their diversity-eighteen sub-tribes-is their strength. No voting according to tribal lines, but the real person they feel can change the face of Kenya.
Political corruption is what our lawmakers and all political leaders want from the people of Kenya, which has proven impossible with the westerners.  They represent the true face of a democratic Kenya that all people from all other tribes should emulate.
What is the point of voting for a fellow tribe'sperson only to fill the vacant seats in parliament yet the person is an under-performer? Is this a culture that has been learnt over time and is hard to live without? I tend to disagree, because even our native cultures have been done away with by the introduction of other cultures. This too can be eliminated.
Any Kenyan who stands up to talk about Luhya unity should ask him/herself what unity really means. Does it mean tribalism or does it mean unity for all Kenyans, for the benefit of Kenya?
Compared to pigs
Our lawmakers were compared to pigs by the activists, why? They are too egocentric. Their stomachs come first, their families second, unnecessary trips third and insults against one another takes position four. I wonder where the Kenyans are. Probably not even in the top ten.
These are the effects of tribalism. After all, it is never fair. I stand with our brothers from Western Kenya in their unity. I support each and every bit of it. Say Luhyas are separated; I will curse you to hell because you are the thorn in the foot of Kenya. Westerners, thumbs up! Let’s up the game even more. No Tribalism, Yes Unity.

Saturday 29 March 2014

Kakamega; No Kuku and Deads' taxes at your home.

 Stop misinterpreting the law, Oparanya says

Some of the graduating students
Kakamega governor, Wycliffe Oparanya has warned the “enemies of development” against feeding the public with wrong information.

Controversy began on the taxes bill which the residents say that it was too oppressive.

The governor has however come out to state that all the people have is propaganda and not what is entailed in the bill.

“The law states that one will pay ksh. 20 on any chicken that they sell, and not the ones at their homes”, he said.

Speaking through a representative attending a graduation ceremony at Bukura Agricultural College in Kakamega early this month, Oparanya said that the few who wanted to confuse residents have no place in the county.

“There is no one who will pay five thousand shillings to bury the dead at their homes”, he added.

According to the representative, the law states that the money is only paid by those who want to bury their dead at the cemeteries.

The law brought a lot of controversy last month, when it was said that all residents will pay a ksh. 20 tax for every chicken at their place and ksh.5000 to bury the dead.

A school worker milking cows using a machine
On the other hand, he gave praises to the Bukura Agricultural College for offering quality skills pertaining agriculture. He added that jobs were really available in the county and all the graduates from the college will be assimilated into the job market.

 “We have a fish farming project in the county, it is you people who will implement that project”, he said in a statement addressing the graduates.

However, Oparanya has wars with the college’s surrounding community for failing to make use of the college.

He said that most students in the college are from faraway places, and this renders the college useless to the area residents.

Others present in the ceremony were area MP and the chief.

MCAa and MPs fighting for supremacy?

Where is the fuss coming from?
          Members of the County assembly(MCAs) and Members of parliament(MPs) have the same power and perform same functions.
            Therefore, the question of who is who between these two parties should be away from the minds of the Kenyans.
            The impeachment of Martin Wambora from the Embu gubernatorial seat should be taken positive, rather than facing fights from every corner.
            County governments are an ape of the national government. The functions of the president and members of parliament of the national government run parallel to those of the governors and MCAs at the county level.
            As a government on its own, MCAs from Embu, and all other counties have every right to impeach their “president” if things are not working well.
            It is also possible for the Members of parliament to impeach the sitting president, and since I mentioned earlier that functions at the national government run parallel to those at the county government, I see no reason as to why there should be a debate about who is who between the MPs and the MCAs.
            These two parties perform same functions, have same powers but at different levels.
            There should exist more Ibrahim Swales of Embu country spread all across the country, in every county government and even at the national level. No work, corruption? Direct impeachment.
            Kenya has always been known to be corrupt. Why complain again when one is impeached over allegations of corruption? Instead, serious investigations should take place quickly than the Kenyan way, to ascertain the allegations.
            Of course the members of parliament have powers at the national government, but when it comes to the county level, they are completely powerless to the MCAs.
            These supremacy fights should end and leaders should focus more on serious issues rather than fight to show their might.

Terror in malls

Government should step in to secure Malls
The report on four bullet boxes abandoned in a trolley in Nakumatt Junction Mall leaves a big gap with no answers to fill.
This is a serious incident which needs special attention and speed investigations into it. The security system has deteriorated though repairable. Terror incidents have been on the rise in the recent past, which has made citizens to lose faith in the security system and in turn live in fear.
The government should have learnt from the past terror incidents like the Westgate mall attack late last year that malls are target places for terrorists in Kenya, thanks to the high number of shoppers. Security should be beefed up always, and not only when scary happenings take place.
The name of Samantha Lewthwaite should not get room in the mouths of police officials who just want to blame shift their unsuccessful efforts to a few terror suspects.
If Samantha Lewthwaite used to be a frequent visitor at the Nakumatt Junction Mall before the Westgate terror attack, how then can police justify that she is connected in any way with the empty bullet boxes several months after the incidence? If so, then the ball still lies in the court of our security and our intelligence system is also questionable.
Ambwere building in Kakamega town
However, owners of shopping places like malls should be cautious and quick to notice and report any suspected incidences for action to be taken. They have used the Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) cameras as a threat to petty thieves at their business places instead of monitoring suspicious happenings that can lead to terrorism, and help reduce them.
Terrorism has now changed to be a song and to an extent, become a call of nature and thus, everybody must wake up to secure the country.