Friday 3 July 2015


            The bailing out of Mumias Sugar Company in Kakamega County on Wednesday this week by President Uhuru Kenyatta has been seen as a political move by many of his political woes to woe voters from the rich western region.
            Uhuru’s step to bail out the leading sugar milling factory in Kenya is a positive move. If he used the chance to get prospective voters, where is the problem?
            The leaders of Kakamega county and Western at large showed a very strong sight of unity by putting aside their political differences to see the economic pillar of the region being revived.
            Should this kind of unity continue up to the voting dates in the next general elections, then the former premier will not enjoy the full support of the region as it has been in the past.
            Kakamega governor Wycliffe Oparanya is no longer at the heart of the county following several complaints by MPs in his region that he is not giving Kakamega an equal face in development matters. If this persists, then ODM has a smaller place at the heart of the County, come 2017.
            If president Uhuru will be persistent in his visits–which is most definate, Raila has no more enjoyment but should put down strategies to counter his influence or else, to star packing in readiness to leave.
            Odinga now remains with a big battle to fight, should the Mumias Company become steady.
            This time round, I think the people of Western Kenya will have several political parties. However, a possibility that these parties will merge and cast their votes in favour of the winning candidate is most likely.
            The winning candidate that I am talking about here is President Uhuru Kenyatta. Whether by will or accident, Kenyatta’s son will go back to the state house come 2017, I don’t have to reject that and suffer a heart attack in 2017 by surprise that he has taken back the state house position.
            Meanwhile, as this is happening, Odinga is growing older as each year passes – and the more he grows old, the more he is becoming irrelevant.
            His chances will also be low and everybody as at now is asking whether Kibra belongs to Odinga family with the latest development being his daughter showing interest in the parliamentary seat of Kibra.
            I am convinced that if Raila will not step down and seek a gubernatorial or senatorial seat, then his political career is on its death bed. Maybe we can count on his daughter to carry on his father’s legacy, but as for the growing man…
            Picking up fights with every member in the Jubilee government is also ruining the name of this – one of the greatest leaders that Kenya has ever had.
            In this regard, Raila should stop picking up quarrels and public confrontations of members of parliament and senators if at all he has to remain relevant in the political field.
            On the other hand, Uhuru Kenyatta is becoming famous as each day passes through his strategies to fight out various ills like corruption and terrorism.
            I also have to admit that President Kenyatta is very best at utilizing media opportunities to elevate him on matters of Public Relations.
            Anyone willing to contest against Uhuru in the next general election must be very daring.
