Thursday 4 December 2014

Is Raila ready to take over Kajwang's Position in the Senate?

Raila Odinga is not equal to Homa bay Senatorial seat.
     The law makers pushing for former Prime Minister to take over
Kajwang should have thought twice before the making their decisions.
      I agree that the former PM is well versed with our country Kenya
and is full of leadership skills, however, I don't think he should
contest for the seat left vacant by Kajwang.
     Raila is a national leader, yes, but let us consider the following facts.
     With Raila back to the Senate, he will be part of the
legislature, while in the past, when he was the PM, he was part of the
executive. Don't you think this is a degradation of Odinga?
     Two, if Odinga goes to the senate, Wetangula should be prepared
to quit his position as Minority leader since Raila is number one flag
bearer of CORD. Most people will term this as being selfish..
     However, his presence in the senate will bring a big change and
will be a game changer in this country's politics.
     I think the Jubilee government will have a hard task 'taking
care' of Raila's numerous demands.
     If the Jubilee government has been reacting to all Raila's
comments on issues while he was out of the parliament, what about when
he will be holding a senatorial position?
     However, the question that Kenyans need to ask themselves is
this; Is Raila ready to take over Kajwang's seat after his demise? If
the efforts to get Raila into the parliament is positive to this
nation, them let him go for it.
     On the other hand, if the intention is to hamper the progress of
the Jubilee government and get Kenya stuck, he should as well forget
about it.

Wednesday 3 December 2014

Kakamega: Headteacher arrested for defiling minor

A headteacher of a private school in Seregeya,Turbo has been arrested for allegedly defiling an underage girl, a former pupil at the school.
     Mr. Philip Wesonga, a 33 year old teacher at Canaan Royal School was arrested following the Sunday incident where it has been alleged that she had sex with the girl, who just completed class eight in the same school a month ago.
     Confirming the incident, area Chief Mr. Charles Banda and his assistant Diana Owano have condemned the action and have since pressured the Police to act fast.
     "This is not something that we expect from a teacher. He is supposed to serve as a role model to the young kids", said Diana.
     Wesonga is now in the custody of Turbo Police officers and will be arraigned in court immediately after investigations.
     Turbo OCS has said that justice will be done, and there is no need to worry..
     Drama unfolded when the teacher called the girl to school to pick her box that she left behind after the exams. However, according to Diana, the girl went with two friends. The teacher then  followed the three girls into the dormitory and ordered the two to leave and wait from the staffroom.
     The girl's parents have been saddened by the incident and all they want is justice to prevail.
     The PTA chairlady Ms Anne Manyololi has also condemned the act and says that this is not the first time she is hearing the allegations.
     "These cases have been there in the air. I have tried to talk to the School Director, Mr. Aggrey but he has always dismissed the stories", said Anne.
     She has gone ahead to reveal that several ills have been in the school including stealing of exams.
     "He has been stealing district exams to our children, making us ashamed when KCPE results come out." she added.
     This has come barely six months after a 37 year old teacher, Mr. John Ndombi (senior teacher at the same school) was alleged to be having a love affair with a 12-year old class six pupil. However, the teacher left the school under unclear circumstances.

Tuesday 2 December 2014

More Kenyans killed; withdraw KDF from Somalia

     36 Kenyans more gone through al shabaab's bullets, even before the 28 that died last have been buried.
     It is a high time the government of Kenya withdrew our loyal Kenya Defense Forces (KDF) from Somalia.
     If this is the only cure of this disease called al shabaab, then be it. How many Kenyans are going to die before the government works seriously?
     The KDF were deployed to Somalia to assist, not to take full control of the country. We cannot continue securing Somalia at the expense of our Nation.
     The al shabaab have proven to be really hectic and difficult for the government of Kenya to handle, why then are we still in Somalia? The al shabaab wants KDF out of Somalia, that's all.
     Although Kenya will be deemed to be a coward nation, I think we are not in a position to fight these rebels. Those who force Kenya to have it's troops in Somalia have none of their own there and they are not assisting much.
     It should be remembered that Kenya is a third world Nation, and we should not suffer just because the whole world is looking upon us with the Somalia issue. We are not part of Somalia, we are Kenya and I think we should have our own stands that are beneficial to the people of Kenya.
     The number of Kenyans dying daily in the hands of al shabaab is alarming. I wish the government of Kenya had sense for human life, then all this would not be happening.

Monday 1 December 2014

Nothing to smile about; Maseno Students say

Maseno University main entrance. [Photo/]
     Maseno University students now say that there is nothing to be happy for, except their academics.
     Some claim that the institution has done less to ensure there is development.
     'The university boasts to be the only university on the Equator, yet we have very few lecture halls', lamented a third year student in Maseno.
     Maseno University has been faced with several ills in the recent past. One of them being high level of insecurity and the student body has blamed the institution for this. 'There are few hostels and some of us are forced to stay outside the University', said Ndavera, a Media student, who also added that if the Varsity had put down clear strategies to accommodate all the student, then cases of insecurity would be unheard of.
     Failure by the Institution also to conduct a proper student election has also been cited as a way to make the student body weak; which should be the most powerful organization in the university.
     Dennis Kheri, the current director of sports said that they have waited long enough for the university to hold the Executive elections but in vain. 'It has been two months down the line, but nothing that has been done. We are going to push for the executive election to be as soon as we come back in January', he said.
     Students also say that there are less recreational and few sporting facilities and activities going on. Sharon, who is a fourth year student says that her skills in swimming have gone down following the absence of a swimming pool in the institution, saying that she has to travel to Kisumu to swim during weekends,which is very expensive for her.
     However, Maseno university boasts of giving quality education to it's students. 'This is a superb university. Although we have challenges, the lecturers are committed to their work and that's why we produce quality graduates', says a lecturer at the university.

Saturday 29 November 2014

Mr. President, you owe us an apology

     Did the president have any moral authority saying that security is a personal thing? I have never heard this anywhere in the world before for the few years I have lived.
     As much as Kenyans are supposed to be cautious when it comes to security matters, I ask, are they in a position to help themselves out in case of an attack?
     Number one, Kenyans lack a sense of security. If we were to suspect, then everybody around us would be a terror suspect since we can't differentiate between a terrorist and a good brother. That is the work of the intelligence and not all Kenyans possess such skills of scrutinize members of the public.
     Mr. President, owing to a high level of joblessness, Kenyans have engaged in more income generating activities, hence, it is very hard for them to secure themselves as they try to make ends meet.
     The new and changing tactics of the suspected Al shabaab render the common mwananchi useless concerning this matter. We don't know when and how they will strike next. Remember, the al shabaab have gone through training that I guess is almost equivalent to our Kenya Defense Forces. How then can an unarmed local youth, woman or old man defend themselves from the al shabaab?
     Although most government officials allied to Uhuru have come up to justify his statement, I think president Uhuru owes Kenyans an apology.
     Being a fan of social media, he should have seen how people reacted and criticized his statement. Some went to the extent of reminding the president that Kenyans pay taxes and they expect nothing from the government except proper security.
     Food, Shelter and clothing are not enough for Kenyans, we also need  a sense of security.
     The state of insecurity in the country can be handled as a collectively responsibility, by all Kenyans, yes, but I think at such a rate, the president can say "Everybody for himself and God for us all"

Tuesday 25 November 2014

If we need Security...

     I never realized that Insecurity was an in thing till my personal friend; Neville Muliro was killed by Al-
Shabaab millitants in the Saturday dawn bus attack in Mandera.
     Songs have been sung to the government about beefing up security. Citizens have talked all kind of words concerning security issues, but does the government listen anyway?
     I can't deny the fact that the government of Kenya is doing all it can to ensure 'all the culprits are brought to book', but I don't feel it has done enough to secure it's living citizens. The government has experteesm in covering the funeral expenses of fallen Kenyans and forget totally about the ones that are still offering important services to the same government.
     More than 40 Police officers died in Baragoi, More than 20 in Kapedo and now, the Mandera bus attack seems to have been aimed at teachers who have been providing services to North-Eastern part
of Kenya.
     Seeing ambitious young people die like chicken is very heartbreaking. It demoralizes thousands of people from doing what they could have willingly done, to make ends meet.
     What I mean is, instead of waiting for attacks then we begin following the attackers, why can't the government put down clear strategies to curb future possible attacks?
     Meanwhile, Kenyans should remain united and focussed to achieve our targets and goals. It seems the Al-Shabaab have found their efforts to destabilize our country futile and are now employing other tactics to make sure Kenyans fight among themselves.
     The act of excluding Somali-looking passengers and firing at the rest is a tactic well thought of by the Al-Shabaab to bring Inter Religion animosity in Kenya.
     Kenyans should therefore stand together and understand such tacticts. We are brothers, Al-Shabaab sprouted from Somalia and are focussed to distabilize our government so that we be the same way as they are.
     I urge the Kenyan government to be strict on any suspect and scrutinize and closely monitor their
ways and actions.
     If government officials will remain in corruption, then this can not be realized.

Wednesday 5 November 2014

13-year old orphaned boy sodomized; sustain injuries

     A 13-year old boy has been discharged from Moi Teaching and Refferal Hospital Eldoret on Monday, after allegedly being sodomized on Saturday in Seregeya, Turbo.
     Washington Omondi fell victim of this henious ill when he was taking care of the cows, a distance from their home.
     Allan; the 18-year old suspect who comes from the nearby Muthaiga village is said to have taken advantage of the mental status of the boy to harrass him.
A masked man. [Photo/]
     Washington; the victim is an orphan and a mental ill kid who lives with his grandmother in Seregeya village.
     Some people who were working nearby heard the cries and that's when they allerted other people in the area and caught him in the act.
     Area chief, Charles Banda has condemned the act, terming it as the most inhumane act commited in the area in the recent past. 'These are not the type of people we want in this society. We must root them out', said Mr. Banda.
     Mr. Atutah; the headteacher of Seregeya Primary School, where Washington schools has echoed the chief''s sentiments, saying that 'breeding' characters such as Allan is dangerous to the society.
Handcuffs [Photo/]
     The boy's grandmother has pleaded with authorities to ensure the suspect's family refunds her money that she used to reat the boy after he sustained internal injuries. 'This is so painful. He had to be stiched and undergo all that pain in his hands', said Adira, the victim's grandmother.

  The suspect was arrested and remanded at Turbo police station, waiting to be araigned in court over the allegations.
     The Chief has warned residents against such acts, saying that he will not turn back in his effort of rooting out evil in the area.

Tuesday 4 November 2014

Community Policing; Residents arrest suspect

     Uasin-Gishu County; 

     Soy market turned dramatic Tuesday evening, when members of the public arrested a criminal suspect and peacefully submitted him to the police.
     It is believed that the suspect is a member of a gang which has been committed to ills in the area in the recent past.
     In the latest incident, it has been reported that the gang, on Sunday night robbed from two bars and finished their operation with the home of an mpesa attendant where they vanished with more than Ksh. 70,000.
     The suspect was flushed out of hiding, before being frogmatched to Soy Police Station where he has been remanded, pending investigations. The officer in charge thanked the members of the public for not taking the law into their hands by giving the suspect to them.
     Meanwhile, Grace, the Mpesa attendant who fell victim of the gang has been discharged from Moi Teaching and Refferal Hospital, Eldoret where she was being hospitalized after she was hit at the back of her head by the robbers.
     The recent wave of attacks has left residents fearing for their lives, and have since demanded that the issue be addressed with immediate effect. 'We need patrol officers at night at our service', said Naima, Soy resident.
     She added that if the ills are not curbed at early stages, then they'll mature to bigger problems which will be harder to solve.

School dropouts; nuisance to villagers

          Soy residents are crediting school drop outs with increased social ills and evils in the area.
          Speaking to this writer on phone, Anne, a Soy resident has complained about young children who drop out of school and turn to bhang, ciggarete smoking and drinking Chang'aa. Cases of theft are rampant in the area, ranging from petty things to robbery with violence.
          Mr. Joseph Mukweru has fallen victim of these
young thieves who eloped with his Solar panel Thursday morning.
          'I had gone to look after my cows and on coming back, my solar was missing', said the angered Mr.
          He will undergo the pain of paying the loan for the solar panel, which was given to him by the 'one
acre fund' program.
          This has happened even after warnings from local administration about children dropping out of
          The Administration Police in the area have hence been given mandate to arrest any kid who will be
seen loitering around during school days, and parents risk being taken to court for the same. Parents have been warned by area chief, Charles Banda against keeping their children at home during school days.
          Banda also went ahead to say that operations are underway to close up all the Chang'aa dens in the
area, as this has made many children fall into the trap of drinking Chang'aa and forgetting all about school.

Sunday 27 July 2014

Pupils or Teachers' wives?

A head teacher of a private primary school in Kakamega County is said to be having love affairs with at least four class eight pupils.
According to our sources, the school is located in Likuyani Sub-County in the larger Kakamega County.

The perpetrator, a 33-year old teacher is said to having enticed these pupils by buying them gifts and giving them a little amount of money to conceal the matter.

Pupil A, pupil B, pupil C and pupil D (names concealed for fear of intimidation) fell victim of this teacher starting latest March 2014 and the game has been on till the time of going to Press.

The four pupils, being friends, have come to accept their fate since it’s hard to leave the teacher, for he’s the boss of the school and also teaches them four subjects (the same class).

After being summoned by the school director, the head teacher decided to call all the class eight girls and ‘talk to them’, as he states. However, he denied the allegations.

None of the four pupils has accepted that the allegations are true, especially after rumour had it that the teacher is HIV positive.

One of the teachers (Mr. M) who talked to us on a condition of anonymity revealed to us how this teacher has been for two years.

“Hata hii si mara ya kwanza, haya mambo aliaza last year”, (This is not the first time; he started these things last year.), said Mr. M. He went ahead to state how the teachers have also fallen victims of the matter since the school has failed to pay its teachers properly. “Pesa zetu ndizo anapea hawa watoto kuwadanganya”, (He’s using our money to entice these children), says the disturbed Mr. M.

This has been revealed barely a month after a 37-year old male teacher, who was serving as the Senior teacher (in the same school)being suspected to be having an affair with a 12-year old class six pupil. The parent was however dismissed by the head teacher after reporting the matter to him.

This teacher has since left the school under unclear circumstances and his whereabouts are only known to him.

Then deputy head teacher refused to comment on these matters saying that they were not important to him. “He is my boss, and there is no way I can confront him”, he says. “Since last year, I can count at least seven pupils he has had an affair with him. Only God knows for how long this will happen" he adds.

The latter incidence fell in the ears of Education officers in the Sub-County, who visited the school with immediate effect, though the results of their visit have been concealed. A staff meeting organized that morning with the officers was to ‘confuse the teachers.’ “Mi najua ilikuwa tu kuficha hayo mambo,” says Mr. M.

The school, according to our sources is faced with a lot of challenges for instance those of cheating in external exams

Despite being private, the school displayed a ‘bad image’ to the district after performing poorly in their Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) 2013 exams. “Naona pia mtindo ni ule ule mwaka huu” (I see the situation is the same this year), says Mr. M, upon completion of the CDF sponsored District Mock exams, a couple of days ago.

Parents have been asked to be keen and visit their pupils in the school to get to the root of the matter.

The teachers in the school have shown their discontent with the head teacher and have since pressured for him to be sacked.

To make matters worse, the head teachers is said to be a form four leaver, who acquired his job through ‘experience’ and friendship to the school director. It is said that he dropped his course in Early Childhood Development (ECD) and has since then been a UT for several years till luck landed him in the school.

Our sources also have it that this has been the trend of this goon-cum-teacher. He is said to have impregnated a class eight pupil sometime back and was forced to marry the girl.

 He has also been sacked twice in big private school in Kakamega due to the behavior.

Monday 31 March 2014

More terror and fear should be expected

Who should restore Kenyans’ faith?
Urging the public to report matters to the responsible authorities is a waste of time.
Who is responsible for the security of Kenyans if not the government? The government should not entirely depend on the citizens to feed them with information concerning impending terror attacks and the likes.
Joseph Ole Lenku has totally failed in his business as the Interior Cabinet Secretary.  If at all so far nothing has happened to curb the increasing cases of terrorism, then Kenya is headed for doom forever.
Terrorists find their way into the country without any problem. Who knows maybe these terrorists buy their ways into this country? In Kenya, with this high level of poverty punctuated with corruption, anything is bound to occur.
The other time it was a mystery of empty bullet boxes found abandoned in Nakumatt Junction mall, with no trace of the culprits responsible.
A hand-held grenade
This time round, it is a bomb shell that has been found in a church in Mpeketoni that is ‘harmless’.
Lenku says the bomb shell traces back to World War II, how did it find its way into the church to interrupt the faithful? Yet, all the time, someone wants to be fed with information by the public.
The police and the intelligence systems have failed to do their job, who are the citizens to do it for them?
Time has come for the government to stop ‘launching investigations into the matter’ and giving of the statement ‘we have formed a commission of inquiry’. Unless the government changes its ways of handling matters on terrorism, then Kenyans should expect more.
Thanks to God for the terrorist who died when the improvised explosive he was assembling went off in Pangani. One can figure out the number of people who would have been killed by the explosive, if the plan were successful.

Kenyans die and those who remain alive live in fear anticipating anything bad anytime.
With the current trend, nothing can be achieved much and at this rate at which those who drink and drive are senators, we should expect less.
Give to Ceaser what belongs to Ceaser. Similarly, give security to citizens, they deserve it. Sitting at a round table taking coffee over unseen business and plans on how to embezzle and misappropriate public funds should stop. Let someone wake up from the slumber because any more wastage of time means loss of more lives through terror.
I appeal to the government to set up permanent strategies that will see this problem on terror end with immediate effect. Let Kenyans die the natural deaths; old age, sickness and many others but not be killed by the government which has failed to fight insecurity.

  (This work is entirely my opinion)

Sunday 30 March 2014

Luhya Unity? Already exists

Luhya unity; dream fulfilled long ago
“Great civilization is never conquered from without until it has destroyed itself from within”. This quote by Allen Durant has greatly dominated the Western Kenya’s way of politics.
Luhyas have over time demonstrated the highest form of democracy that this nation would admire.
This has been evident through the general elections that have been conducted in this country. People from the western region do not show any bias in terms of ethnic or bloc voting as experienced in other parts of Kenya. Instead, they exercise mature, liberal democracy and tolerance to the divergent ideas of their counterparts.
What kind of unity do our leaders want for our brothers from western? If this democracy they show is not yet unity, what is unity?
I know how our leaders want the people of Kenya to unite, every tribe for itself; God for us all! Divide and rule. Each and every leader who stands to address a forum in western Kenya must talk about Luhya unity.
I envy western Kenya, for their diversity-eighteen sub-tribes-is their strength. No voting according to tribal lines, but the real person they feel can change the face of Kenya.
Political corruption is what our lawmakers and all political leaders want from the people of Kenya, which has proven impossible with the westerners.  They represent the true face of a democratic Kenya that all people from all other tribes should emulate.
What is the point of voting for a fellow tribe'sperson only to fill the vacant seats in parliament yet the person is an under-performer? Is this a culture that has been learnt over time and is hard to live without? I tend to disagree, because even our native cultures have been done away with by the introduction of other cultures. This too can be eliminated.
Any Kenyan who stands up to talk about Luhya unity should ask him/herself what unity really means. Does it mean tribalism or does it mean unity for all Kenyans, for the benefit of Kenya?
Compared to pigs
Our lawmakers were compared to pigs by the activists, why? They are too egocentric. Their stomachs come first, their families second, unnecessary trips third and insults against one another takes position four. I wonder where the Kenyans are. Probably not even in the top ten.
These are the effects of tribalism. After all, it is never fair. I stand with our brothers from Western Kenya in their unity. I support each and every bit of it. Say Luhyas are separated; I will curse you to hell because you are the thorn in the foot of Kenya. Westerners, thumbs up! Let’s up the game even more. No Tribalism, Yes Unity.

Saturday 29 March 2014

Kakamega; No Kuku and Deads' taxes at your home.

 Stop misinterpreting the law, Oparanya says

Some of the graduating students
Kakamega governor, Wycliffe Oparanya has warned the “enemies of development” against feeding the public with wrong information.

Controversy began on the taxes bill which the residents say that it was too oppressive.

The governor has however come out to state that all the people have is propaganda and not what is entailed in the bill.

“The law states that one will pay ksh. 20 on any chicken that they sell, and not the ones at their homes”, he said.

Speaking through a representative attending a graduation ceremony at Bukura Agricultural College in Kakamega early this month, Oparanya said that the few who wanted to confuse residents have no place in the county.

“There is no one who will pay five thousand shillings to bury the dead at their homes”, he added.

According to the representative, the law states that the money is only paid by those who want to bury their dead at the cemeteries.

The law brought a lot of controversy last month, when it was said that all residents will pay a ksh. 20 tax for every chicken at their place and ksh.5000 to bury the dead.

A school worker milking cows using a machine
On the other hand, he gave praises to the Bukura Agricultural College for offering quality skills pertaining agriculture. He added that jobs were really available in the county and all the graduates from the college will be assimilated into the job market.

 “We have a fish farming project in the county, it is you people who will implement that project”, he said in a statement addressing the graduates.

However, Oparanya has wars with the college’s surrounding community for failing to make use of the college.

He said that most students in the college are from faraway places, and this renders the college useless to the area residents.

Others present in the ceremony were area MP and the chief.