Saturday 29 November 2014

Mr. President, you owe us an apology

     Did the president have any moral authority saying that security is a personal thing? I have never heard this anywhere in the world before for the few years I have lived.
     As much as Kenyans are supposed to be cautious when it comes to security matters, I ask, are they in a position to help themselves out in case of an attack?
     Number one, Kenyans lack a sense of security. If we were to suspect, then everybody around us would be a terror suspect since we can't differentiate between a terrorist and a good brother. That is the work of the intelligence and not all Kenyans possess such skills of scrutinize members of the public.
     Mr. President, owing to a high level of joblessness, Kenyans have engaged in more income generating activities, hence, it is very hard for them to secure themselves as they try to make ends meet.
     The new and changing tactics of the suspected Al shabaab render the common mwananchi useless concerning this matter. We don't know when and how they will strike next. Remember, the al shabaab have gone through training that I guess is almost equivalent to our Kenya Defense Forces. How then can an unarmed local youth, woman or old man defend themselves from the al shabaab?
     Although most government officials allied to Uhuru have come up to justify his statement, I think president Uhuru owes Kenyans an apology.
     Being a fan of social media, he should have seen how people reacted and criticized his statement. Some went to the extent of reminding the president that Kenyans pay taxes and they expect nothing from the government except proper security.
     Food, Shelter and clothing are not enough for Kenyans, we also need  a sense of security.
     The state of insecurity in the country can be handled as a collectively responsibility, by all Kenyans, yes, but I think at such a rate, the president can say "Everybody for himself and God for us all"

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