Wednesday 5 November 2014

13-year old orphaned boy sodomized; sustain injuries

     A 13-year old boy has been discharged from Moi Teaching and Refferal Hospital Eldoret on Monday, after allegedly being sodomized on Saturday in Seregeya, Turbo.
     Washington Omondi fell victim of this henious ill when he was taking care of the cows, a distance from their home.
     Allan; the 18-year old suspect who comes from the nearby Muthaiga village is said to have taken advantage of the mental status of the boy to harrass him.
A masked man. [Photo/]
     Washington; the victim is an orphan and a mental ill kid who lives with his grandmother in Seregeya village.
     Some people who were working nearby heard the cries and that's when they allerted other people in the area and caught him in the act.
     Area chief, Charles Banda has condemned the act, terming it as the most inhumane act commited in the area in the recent past. 'These are not the type of people we want in this society. We must root them out', said Mr. Banda.
     Mr. Atutah; the headteacher of Seregeya Primary School, where Washington schools has echoed the chief''s sentiments, saying that 'breeding' characters such as Allan is dangerous to the society.
Handcuffs [Photo/]
     The boy's grandmother has pleaded with authorities to ensure the suspect's family refunds her money that she used to reat the boy after he sustained internal injuries. 'This is so painful. He had to be stiched and undergo all that pain in his hands', said Adira, the victim's grandmother.

  The suspect was arrested and remanded at Turbo police station, waiting to be araigned in court over the allegations.
     The Chief has warned residents against such acts, saying that he will not turn back in his effort of rooting out evil in the area.

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