Tuesday 25 August 2015

These self-proclaimed leaders should give us a break!!!

Politics; A dirty game being exhibited in different mean styles in the republic of Kenya.
Politicians; who are referred to as leaders in Kenya have taken their showdowns personal and are now targeting individual political enemies
Who is responsible for the problems facing the poor citizens of this country? Is it not these leaders who are busy amassing wealth using mega government projects? This has been going on since time immemorial.
When students of Garissa University College were brutally killed by members of the Al Shabaab militia, it was all over, with the leader of majority of the National Assembly Aden Duale promising to name the persons responsible for funding Al Shabaab.
This led to Duale being branded a terrorist by leaders from the opposition coalition, calling for the arrest of Duale. However, how that story was silenced is a matter of the ‘selected few’ and until now, the list has never come out.
When Kakamega County Senator Bonny Khalwale accused Nairobi County Governor Evans Kidero for having a hand in the ailing Mumias sugar factory, the CORD fraternity was all quiet. Nobody in the coalition wanted to talk about the same, whether for, or against.
 This led to Khalwale threatening to lead other Members of Parliament and senators to leave the opposition.
This also, has gone quiet. Nobody is talking about it.
Deputy President William Samoei Ruto and Duale have linked the problems in the Mumias sugar factory to Raila Odinga saying that he is the one responsible for failing to pay debts that he owes the company.
This has of course been opposed by Raila who has said that those allegations are not true.
The leader of opposition now says that he is going to sue Duale for defamation of character having linked him to Mumias’ downfall.
At this point I start thinking, is this not politics that these leaders are playing on unsuspecting Kenyans?
We have been played on as a ball in a football pitch, left, right and center.
Each and every politician has no poor Kenyan at heart.
When a politician takes on a podium to speak to Kenyans, they first begin by touching on few problems that are being experienced by Kenyans. This is of course just in the introductory part of their speech.
Minutes that follow are of self-praise and ‘enemy’ condemnation. The truth is never talked about and Kenyans go on cheering and cheering such leaders as they speak on, not knowing that they are the ones losing it here.
On another platform somewhere in Kenya the following day, the opponent that was humiliated the previous day gets themselves a chance of reply.
Contrary defamatory words in the same style are thrown back at the opponent.
What Kenyans don’t know about the whole hullabaloo is that we are being fooled into accepting their words, yet they dine and wine together each evening.
At this point, I am tempted to believe that even some of these events are stage managed so that the leaders can remain relevant and win the hearts of Kenyans whose political sleep has never come to an end.
When is this going to end? Politicians should stop taking us as tissue papers. They use us during the election period and dump us as soon as they get what they wanted.
What follows is another five years of serious eating and belly-filling process which ends when parliament is dissolved and we are expected to go back to the ballot.
Kenyans forget easily of course.
However, time is coming when politicians will not take us for granted. They will cry on podiums just to get a sympathy vote, maybe from themselves, family members and few friends.
Time is coming. We are watching
(Writer's Opinion)

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