Thursday 3 March 2016

Uhuru and Magufuli have NOTHING in common

The president of the republic of Kenya Uhuru Kenyatta and his Tanzanian counterpart John Magufuli have nothing in common except the Presidency.

While the son of the first president of Kenya talks a lot about fighting several biting vices such as corruption, his thoughts (if at all they are his) are not being put in practice.

Three years down the line and a majority of Kenyans are not even halfway convinced that the Jubilee government has done anything.

On the other hand, Magufuli has had only a few months in power but his efforts have been applauded world over.

His dedication to straighten Tanzania is the dedication that Africa needs. But do these egocentric African leaders see this?

Magufuli's management by wandering around has made all public officers aware of their duties and I am sure they are performing because they are not sure of the time the country's Chief Executive Officer will pay their office a visit.

On the contrary, Kenyatta's son has not even visited many parts of this country since he was elected, something that Makes people come from Turkana to Kenya.

Thanks to Mwalimu Nyerere for making the people of Tanzania realize that brotherhood is the only key to a peaceful nation.

Their debates are based on policies that are meant to help their country.

Come to Kenya and you will wonder. Even members of parliament in our country are bribed to kill some motions.

No wonder the most recent statistics put Kenya third best in corruption. It is everywhere, who doesn't know anyway?

Think of it, two countries from the same continent having a slot in the top three countries that have the highest level of corruption.

And still, Zimbabwe's Uncle bob and dictator Nkurunzinza will be preferred to be the continent's chair even when Magufuli is seated.

Back to Uhuru and Magufuli.

I understand they have spend part of this week together - to strengthen diplomatic ties - that is okay.

All I know is that Magufuli is goal oriented. The end for him justifies the means. For Uhuru, even setting up a commission of enquiry to look at a Supreme court's judge corruption allegations is based on impeachment threats.

Kenya is so rotten to the extend that friendship between Magufuli and the opposition leader Raila Odinga is in itself a threat.

But, where are your ears and eyes Mr. President?

Free advice to Kenyan president, Kenyans are tired of happenings in your government and need 'ACTION NOW'. Many have said, you risk being a one term president. I can personally confirm that.

By C Okay

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