Tuesday 20 October 2015


Mimi ni Mkenya mzalendo, mpenda amani. Lakini leo niruhusu nifungue roho yangu, ninene kwa ufupi.

Tunasherehekea siku ya Mashujaa, tarehe ishirini ya mwezi wa kumi kila mwaka nchini Kenya. Swali ninalouliza ni je, kuna lolote la kusherehekea?

Kama hekaya za abunuwasi zingekuwa matendo, basi taifa hili lingekuwa miongoni ma mataifa bora ulimwenguni.

Ni taifa ambalo wananchi walio kwenye mitandao ya kijamii kama vile Twitter, almaarufu Kenyans on Twitter (KOT) wana busara kuliko maafisa wa serikali.

Taifa lililojaa ubinafsi, wizi, uporaji wa mali ya umma na uroho.

Mwandishi mmoja akasema ni taifa la matajiri kumi na maskini milioni kumi. Yaani kwa kila mlalahai mmoja tuna walalahoi milioni moja.

Hamna umuhimu katika kuisherehekea siku hii, ambayo pia imebinafsishwa kwa minajili ya wachache wanaothamini tumbo zao kuliko mishahara ya wanaotoa huduma kwa wale wakenya maskini kama vile walimu.

Kama vile vyama vya kisiasa vilivyo na wafuasi, vivyo hivyo ndivyo ilivyo na maafisa wakuu katika serikali na wanaowafuata ni ndugu, jamaa na marafiki, tena sio wote, wale wa karibu.

Nchi ambayo imewatafuna, kuwala na kuwameza mashujaa wao. Kila aliyepigania haki hayupo tena, kwa kuwa watu fulani hawakuwaruhusu kuishi kuona matunda ya waliyokuwa wakipigania.

Ukweli mchungu ni kwamba, hata wangefufuka waliokufa katika kupigania uhuru - ambao hadi sasa hatujauona - bila shaka wangeanguka na kufa mara tena kutokana na mshtuko wa moyo.

Serikali za hapo awali ziliwatesa na kuwaua watu waliotaka kulikomboa taifa hili.

Yeyote aliyekataa kumbeba jogoo wake mkobani na kuwika kila asubuhi, basi alikuwa mashakani na kila aliyetaka kuwa salama, basi angeimba wimbo sawa na wa mwenye jogoo.

Jogoo angeishi miaka mia moja. Ameishi miaka hamsini na miwili sasa, safari bado ndefu kwa kuwa wenye kujua hesabu wataona wazi kuwa ana miaka mingine arubaini na nane.

Sitazungumza sana kuhusiana na historia ya mashujaa na matatizo wanayoyapitia wakenya kwa sasa, kwa kuwa sote twayafahamu vyema mambo haya.

Usifadi ndio wimbo katika kinywa cha kila Mkenya.

Mali ya Umma inachukuliwa na mababe wa uongozi. Ardhi nayo sitasema inanyakuliwa. Vijana nchini hawana kazi, hilo sitataja. Umaskini umekithiri, sisemi. Usalama haupo, hujui hilo pia?

Ufujaji wa pesa za umma ndiyo shughuli ya magavana. Pazia, Kitandazi, Lango, Rukwama, kuwahamisha watoto wanaorandaranda mitaani hadi kwenye 'Kaunti zao', nitaje tu machache.

Kazi waliyofanya mashujaa; waliouawa kikatili, yote ni bure kwa kuwa uhuru bado hatujaupata. Ukoloni mambo leo umekithiri. Walio na mali wanaongezewa. Wasio na mali hata kile kidogo walicho nacho wamenyang'anywa.

Yote tisa, kumi? Lililo na mwanzo halikosi mwisho. Nina imani na matarajio kuwa maovu haya yatakoma siku moja.

Caleb Kisabuli

Monday 12 October 2015

Meet One on One with BMW, The Able SOMU Organzing Secretary 2015/2016

Students politics has of late been associated with Money, Tribal lines and arrogance.

Well, if you thought there are no leaders out of politics but only politicians, then to some extent you were wrong because my One on One With Buya Mukonzo Winfred a.k.a BMW proved otherwise.

In her voice, I sense clear exposure of humility, transparency, accountability and electorate-oriented leadership.

Well, join me as we unleash the Capable SOMU Organizing Secretary 2015/2016.

As I sought her audience, I started by asking her who she is.

Buya is a third year student pursuing a bachelor's degree in public health. She is a brand ambassador with 'Akili Dada' initiative; a girl child empowerement organization and she is also the founding director of 'Saidia students' initiative.

Buya denies her blood and interest in politics being genetic but admits leadership is.

"The docket of the Organizing Secretary is kind of neglected and termed as irrelevant because of the roles, but it's the exact same docket that I find crucial", said BMW.

She goes ahead to say that once sworn in as the Organizing Secretary, she will ensure transparency and accountability by documenting all the SOMU activities and the documents availed to comrades at regular intervals online.

"You know how important documents are", she pauses as she takes a sip of her glass of juice which is almost halfway. "No documents, no records equals to no accountability, no transparency, and that's where corruption begins. I want to make that straight", she adds.

Asked why she chose politics, Buya wears a wide smile on her face and says "It's the only vehicle to leadership, if there were an alternative route, I would definately use it, but I'm glad I have learnt so much through politics".

She says that her desire to see change and be part of the change is what motivates her most. (Not selfish, right?) "I Always endeavor to fix that thing that I see crooked", she states.

Politics after Maseno? Yes, being an organizing secretary is only the beginning of good things to come.

Her number one role model is her dad whom she says is a great performer. "I want to follow his footsteps", she says.


Tuesday 25 August 2015

These self-proclaimed leaders should give us a break!!!

Politics; A dirty game being exhibited in different mean styles in the republic of Kenya.
Politicians; who are referred to as leaders in Kenya have taken their showdowns personal and are now targeting individual political enemies
Who is responsible for the problems facing the poor citizens of this country? Is it not these leaders who are busy amassing wealth using mega government projects? This has been going on since time immemorial.
When students of Garissa University College were brutally killed by members of the Al Shabaab militia, it was all over, with the leader of majority of the National Assembly Aden Duale promising to name the persons responsible for funding Al Shabaab.
This led to Duale being branded a terrorist by leaders from the opposition coalition, calling for the arrest of Duale. However, how that story was silenced is a matter of the ‘selected few’ and until now, the list has never come out.
When Kakamega County Senator Bonny Khalwale accused Nairobi County Governor Evans Kidero for having a hand in the ailing Mumias sugar factory, the CORD fraternity was all quiet. Nobody in the coalition wanted to talk about the same, whether for, or against.
 This led to Khalwale threatening to lead other Members of Parliament and senators to leave the opposition.
This also, has gone quiet. Nobody is talking about it.
Deputy President William Samoei Ruto and Duale have linked the problems in the Mumias sugar factory to Raila Odinga saying that he is the one responsible for failing to pay debts that he owes the company.
This has of course been opposed by Raila who has said that those allegations are not true.
The leader of opposition now says that he is going to sue Duale for defamation of character having linked him to Mumias’ downfall.
At this point I start thinking, is this not politics that these leaders are playing on unsuspecting Kenyans?
We have been played on as a ball in a football pitch, left, right and center.
Each and every politician has no poor Kenyan at heart.
When a politician takes on a podium to speak to Kenyans, they first begin by touching on few problems that are being experienced by Kenyans. This is of course just in the introductory part of their speech.
Minutes that follow are of self-praise and ‘enemy’ condemnation. The truth is never talked about and Kenyans go on cheering and cheering such leaders as they speak on, not knowing that they are the ones losing it here.
On another platform somewhere in Kenya the following day, the opponent that was humiliated the previous day gets themselves a chance of reply.
Contrary defamatory words in the same style are thrown back at the opponent.
What Kenyans don’t know about the whole hullabaloo is that we are being fooled into accepting their words, yet they dine and wine together each evening.
At this point, I am tempted to believe that even some of these events are stage managed so that the leaders can remain relevant and win the hearts of Kenyans whose political sleep has never come to an end.
When is this going to end? Politicians should stop taking us as tissue papers. They use us during the election period and dump us as soon as they get what they wanted.
What follows is another five years of serious eating and belly-filling process which ends when parliament is dissolved and we are expected to go back to the ballot.
Kenyans forget easily of course.
However, time is coming when politicians will not take us for granted. They will cry on podiums just to get a sympathy vote, maybe from themselves, family members and few friends.
Time is coming. We are watching
(Writer's Opinion)

Thursday 13 August 2015


     Kamishna wa kaunti ya Uasin Gishu Abdi Hassan amesema kuwa serikali inaendeleza shughuli ya kuwachunguza wanafunzi wote kutoka shule za msingi upili na vyuo vikuu kama njia moja ya kuimarisha usamala katika kaunti hiyo.

     Hassan amesema kuwa mwanafunzi yeyote yuleatakayeshukiwa kwa sababu ya mienendo yake atakamatwa ili kuwasaidia maafisa polisi katika uchunguzi na ripoti yoyote kuhusu uhalifu.

     Haya yanajiri baada ya vijana Zaidi ya ishirini kutoweka wengi wao wakiwa ni wanafunzi katika kaunti hiyo kujiunga na kundi la kigaidi la Al Shabaab majuma mawili yaliyopita.

     Hassan amewaomba wazazi wote ambao wanao wametoweka nyumbani kupiga ripoti katika kituo cha polisi kilicho karibu nao

Friday 3 July 2015


            The bailing out of Mumias Sugar Company in Kakamega County on Wednesday this week by President Uhuru Kenyatta has been seen as a political move by many of his political woes to woe voters from the rich western region.
            Uhuru’s step to bail out the leading sugar milling factory in Kenya is a positive move. If he used the chance to get prospective voters, where is the problem?
            The leaders of Kakamega county and Western at large showed a very strong sight of unity by putting aside their political differences to see the economic pillar of the region being revived.
            Should this kind of unity continue up to the voting dates in the next general elections, then the former premier will not enjoy the full support of the region as it has been in the past.
            Kakamega governor Wycliffe Oparanya is no longer at the heart of the county following several complaints by MPs in his region that he is not giving Kakamega an equal face in development matters. If this persists, then ODM has a smaller place at the heart of the County, come 2017.
            If president Uhuru will be persistent in his visits–which is most definate, Raila has no more enjoyment but should put down strategies to counter his influence or else, to star packing in readiness to leave.
            Odinga now remains with a big battle to fight, should the Mumias Company become steady.
            This time round, I think the people of Western Kenya will have several political parties. However, a possibility that these parties will merge and cast their votes in favour of the winning candidate is most likely.
            The winning candidate that I am talking about here is President Uhuru Kenyatta. Whether by will or accident, Kenyatta’s son will go back to the state house come 2017, I don’t have to reject that and suffer a heart attack in 2017 by surprise that he has taken back the state house position.
            Meanwhile, as this is happening, Odinga is growing older as each year passes – and the more he grows old, the more he is becoming irrelevant.
            His chances will also be low and everybody as at now is asking whether Kibra belongs to Odinga family with the latest development being his daughter showing interest in the parliamentary seat of Kibra.
            I am convinced that if Raila will not step down and seek a gubernatorial or senatorial seat, then his political career is on its death bed. Maybe we can count on his daughter to carry on his father’s legacy, but as for the growing man…
            Picking up fights with every member in the Jubilee government is also ruining the name of this – one of the greatest leaders that Kenya has ever had.
            In this regard, Raila should stop picking up quarrels and public confrontations of members of parliament and senators if at all he has to remain relevant in the political field.
            On the other hand, Uhuru Kenyatta is becoming famous as each day passes through his strategies to fight out various ills like corruption and terrorism.
            I also have to admit that President Kenyatta is very best at utilizing media opportunities to elevate him on matters of Public Relations.
            Anyone willing to contest against Uhuru in the next general election must be very daring.


Sunday 10 May 2015


Seregeya Sub-location assistant chief Diana Owano has urged parents to take their children to school as many schools open this week.
     She was speaking in Seregeya area of Turbo on Tuesday during the funeral of one Elknah Songol.
     Diana said that parents that had not sent their children to school should do so or face the full force of the law.
     "Every child that is of school-going age should report back to school", she said adding that the government is on it's toes to ensure that Kenyans are empowered through education.
     Diana also seized the opportunity to strengthen the Nyumba Kumi initiative in her sub location.
     She said that the initiative is the first basic step in ensuring that securiry is tight among residents.
     "Any suspicious persons should be interrogated fully and in the case of extreemism, the person should be handed over to the relevant authorities with immediate effect.
     The sub location, with the help of ms. Diana has started welfare acticivies in helping members of the community during need.
     The members have also been encouraged to support one another in order to be helped also when their time of need comes.
     Diana thanked the people present at the funeral for their contributions to help in the funeral arrangements of Mr. Elkanah.

 By Kisabuli Caleb

Thursday 30 April 2015


How credible was this campaign? Kenyans need to know who is involved in their staged Deaths.

Sent from Samsung Mobile

Friday 17 April 2015


This is how a hospital in Malava, Kakamega County has been named. Royo-Outpatient services, opposite Malava Police Station.
Such can only be found in the MULEMBE Region

Sent from Samsung Mobile

Friday 3 April 2015

Wapi utu kwa Viongozi???

Bendera hupandishwa nusu mlingoti 'mtu wa maana' anapofariki.
Makumi ya wakenya hohehahe wanapouawa, hamna la mno ila rambirambi
zisizo na mashiko yoyote! Utu ulienda wapi?
Wapi viongozi wanaouthamini utu? Kwani kila kiongozi wa kisiasa
ni hayawani tu? Ni baadhi ya maswali tu yanayonipitikia akilini. Hamna
majibu ninayoyapata.

On 3/12/15, Kisabuli O Caleb <cokisabuli@gmail.com> wrote:
> The level of carelessness in the Nationsl government and County
> governments in the Republic of Kenya is very high.
> This Can be used to bring in money, but instead, it has been
> rendered functionless. Whoever owns this billboard!!! Click on the
> following link to have a look at the full story...
> http://www.hivisasa.com/kisumu/news/151650/kisumu-photo-day-unused-resources

Friday 13 March 2015

Without water...

Water is an essential part of life and without it, I bet several productive processes would get minimal, if not stop completely.

Villages around Maseno University; Nyawita, Emabungo and Sunrise, just but to mention a few have been hit by water shortages. The value of water has shot as if it were being compared to the dollar.

This is the entrance to the Rispers hostel at car wash area near Maseno University. It is just a representation of the many hostels hit by water shortages. [Photo/Kisabuli Caleb]
Things were not the same a few months back; there was plenty of water in almost every homestead. Residents would easily share their water freely with other members of the community.

We meet mzee Charles, one of the owners of students' hostels near car wash area and he explains why he thinks this is happening.

"This is a dry season. Since I started living here, I can say it is the worst ever", he says. "It is very dry and I think the water levels have gone down, making it hard for wells to produce enough water to sustain all of us", he adds.

Students living in Charles' Rispers hostel say that they have to endure the pain of looking for water from other places as there is little water in the well.

"An average of 25 students live here but we can get at most around 50 litres of clean water from the well", says Steven Mwangi, a student living at the Rispers hostel. He adds that he is forced to stay awake for long hours during the night just to wait for little water that accumulates in the well so that he can at least save some for a shower.

If the dryness continues for a month from now, Mwangi says that perhaps all the wells in the area would go dry.

He goes ahead to complain of the unpalatable water from the nearby stream. "We can not draw water from this stream since it is contaminated by sewage from the Varsity", he says.

Many residents have now opted to buying water from different points. One twenty-litres jerrycan of water goes for Ksh 5 but if it is to be delivered to one's doorstep, then one can pay between Ksh 10-20 depending on the distance the 'supplier' has to cover before reaching one's place of residence.

At Pink House hostel in Nyawita, the underground tank that stores rainwater has been dry since January. "Since we opened school, there has been no drop of water in the tank", says a male student,resident.

He says that he nowadays walks a distance of close to 800 metres to the institution just to get drinking water; leave alone for washing and bathing.

"It is very difficult to survive without water", he laments adding that the distance he covers to get water is very long and if water were available near his place of residence, he says that perhaps he could use the time he spends looking for water to do something creative and important.

With the changing weather seasons that are being witnessed across the country, residents here are just living on hope that soon, God will listen to their prayers and send them rain.

(Tired of being sidelined by the mainstream media? Click Here to get stories from your County)