Wednesday 1 June 2016


Taifa la Kenya kwa miaka hamsini na tatu sasa limejivunia Uhuru.
Tangu mbeberu kuondoka nchini humu na kuacha mababu zetu wajitawale wenyewe, Kenya imepiga hatua si haba. Si katika elimu, kilimo, afya, usalama, nitaje tu japo machache, almuradi nchi imepiga hatua.
Lakini tutazame jambo hili kwa undani zaidi. Je, nchi hii imepiga hatua za kusonga mbele ama kurudi nyuma. Ninapotazama kwa karibu sana naona kuwa Kenya imepiga hatua za kinyumenyume.
Nchi hii imegeuka jongoo ambaye ukimfungia njia ya kwenda mbele, ataanza kurudi kinyumenyume na kukupa taswira kuwa bado yuko sawa huku ukishindwa kubaini kichwa chake ki wapi. Kwa vyovyote vile, bado yuasonga tu.
Viongozi wa Kenya kwenye dhifa ya chakula cha mchana Ikulu ya Nairobi
Kwa wanaonijua kwa karibu, mimi ni mzalendo imara. Lakini ifikapo kwa kusema ukweli, watu wengi ambao ni wazalendo huonekana kama watu wasioipenda nchi yao.
Kwa wale ndugu Wakristo kama mimi, Biblia yatueleza wazi katika kitabu cha Yohana Mtakatifu mlango wa nane, msitari wa thelathini na mbili kuwa;
"Mtaujua ukweli na ukweli huo utawaweka huru"
Kwa hivyo ifikapo kwa maswala ya kusema ukweli, acha niseme japo kwa kiduchu.
Miaka hamsini na tatu iliyopita, mkoloni alifunganya na kurudi Uingereza. Au kwa lazima ama hiari, almuradi alituachia nchi yetu.
Mababu zetu kwa wakati huo walikuwa na utaifa wa kutajika kwa kuwa walikuwa wamepitia shida tumbi nzima chini ya mkoloni. Walijua ni nini maana ya undugu.
Viongozi waliotangulia nchini humu walikuwa wamesomea vilivyo ujuzi wa kuwaua watu kutoka kwa mkoloni.
Kila aliyeonekana 'tisho' kwa serikali alitolewa uhai. Iwe kwenye ajali, kuliwa na wanyama pori, kupotea na maiti yake kupatikana porini…
Kila aliyeingia mamlakani na kuonja 'utamu' (iwapo mamlaka yana utamu wowote) wake alikatalia mamlakani na kupelekea wananchi kughadhabika.
Wizi wa kura zimefanywa mbele ya kila mkenya.
Miaka ishirini na nane iliyopita, tarehe ishirini na moja mwezi Machi mwaka elfu moja kenda mia themanini na nane, nchi hii ilishiriki uchaguzi wa 'Mlolongo' chini ya aliyekuwa rais wa wakati huo Daniel Moi.
Uchaguzi huo umezungumziwa hadi leo kuwa ulikuwa Huru na wa Haki (kumbuka kisa cha jongoo awali). Huo ndio ulikuwa utaifa. Huo ndio ulikuwa umoja. Huo sio uzalendo ninaouzungumzia kwenye nakala hii.
Uchumi wa taifa hili umedorora kwa kiwango cha kutajika. Hivi majuzi, Uchumi wa taifa la Tanzania umetajwa kama nambari wani katika eneo la Afrika ya Mashariki; Miezi kadhaa baada ya Pombe Magufuli kuchukua hatamu za uongozi nchini humo.
Kenya; nchi iliyojulikana ulimwengu mzima kwa muda mrefu  kama kitovu cha usalama ikarudi na kuwa eneo la kukuza ugaidi na magaidi.
Mwaka elfu mbili na kumi, wakenya kwa pamoja waliipigia kura katiba mpya. Katiba ambayo inahujumiwa na kukiukwa kila uchao.
Hadi kufikia sasa, kuna wakenya waliopigania uhuru, wakateswa na wengine kuawa lakini kufikia sasa bado wao na familia zao hawajafidiwa.
Umaskini ambao umekithiri nchini huenda ukatolewa tu kwa maombi. (Kwani hatuna viongozi ambao hufanya mikutano ya maombi)?. Ikiwa mikakati itawekwa na viongozi kupiga vita umaskini, basi haitachukua muda wa chini ya miaka hamsini na tatu tena ili mpango huo ufue dafu.
Hii ni kwa sababu ufisadi ambao ndio wimbo wa kila siku humu nchini utalemaza shughuli hiyo, huku kila mmoja kwenye ofisi za serikali akitaka kuvuna asipopanda.
Nikiandika kupita hapo, huenda nikapatwa na kichefuchefu, nikohoe na kutapika uzalendo wangu.
Iwapo huu ndio uhuru waliopigania wazee wetu, basi sina budi kusema kuwa Kando na rais UHURU, Kenya haina Uhuru mwingine.

Ee Mungu Nguvu Yetu,
Ilete Baraka kwetu,
Haki iwe ngao na mlinzi,
Na tukae na Undugu,
Amani na UHURU,
Raha tupate na ustawi.

Na Kisabuli Caleb.

Thursday 26 May 2016


Kifo cha aliyekuwa mbunge wa Malava Soita Shitanda kimewaacha wengi na huzuni, huku viongozi wengi wakijitokeza na kutuma risala zao za rambirambi kwa familia, wakazi wa eneo bunge la Malava na wakenya wote kwa jumla kwa kumpoteza kiongozi huyo.

Wengi wamemtaja kama kiongozi shupavu ambaye alifanya kazi yake bila ubaguzi, na kwa uhodari wa kutajika.

Ungependa kujua ni kwa nini kiongozi huyo amemiminiwa sifa riboribo? Safiri nami nikujulishe.

Aliyekuwa mbunge wa Malava, Marehemu  Peter Soita Shitanda
Marehemu Shitanda alizaliwa tarehe tisa mwezi Novemba mwaka wa elfu moja kenda mia hamsini na tisa katika kijiji cha Kabras, Malava na kupashwa tohara mwaka wa elfu moja kenda mia sabini na mbili.
Alijiunga na shule ya msingi ya Tande huko Malava mwaka wa elfu moja mia tisa sitini na saba kabla ya kujiunga na shule ya upili ya Malava kwa kiwango cha O-Level alikosomea hadi mwaka wa elfu moja mia kenda sabini na saba.
Mwaka mmoja baadaye, Shitanda alijiunga na chuo cha ufundi cha Kenya na baadaye kufanya kazi kama mwanafunzi wa uhasibu kwenye afisi za mwanasheria mkuu.

Mwaka wa elfu moja mia tisa themanini na tatu, akajiunga na chuo cha Strathmore alikokuwa kwa miaka miwili na punde baada ya kutoka chuo, akafanya kazi katika vitengo tofauti vya uhasibu katika wizara ya fedha nchini Kenya.

Mnamo mwaka wa tisini na saba, Shitanda aliiacha kazi ya uhasibu na kuingilia siasa. Aliwania kiti cha ubunge katika eneo bunge la Malava na kumshinda aliyekuwa kwa wakati huo waziri wa afya na mbunge wa eneo hilo Joshua Angatia katika tiketi ya chama cha Ford Kenya, chama kilichokuwa na umaarufu sana katika eneo la magharibi.

Mnamo mwaka wa elfu mbili na mbili Shitanda aliwania tena kiti hicho na kushinda na kufanywa naibu waziri katika afisi ya rais Mstaafu Mwai Kibaki. Miaka mitatu baadaye, Shitanda aliteuliwa kama waziri wa nyumba.

Kwenye uchaguzi wa mwaka wa elfu mbili na saba, Shitanda aliwania na kushinda tena kiti cha ubunge cha Malava na kumfanya kuwa mbunge ambaye amewahi kuongoza eneo hilo kwa muda mrefu Zaidi tangu taifa la Kenya kunyakua Uhuru. Aliteuliwa tena waziri katika wizara ya nyumba mwaka uo huo.

Aidha, Shitanda aliwania kiti cha ugavana katika Kaunti ya Kakamega mwaka wa elfu mbili na kumi na tatu na kushindwa na Gavana wa sasa wa Kaunti hiyo Wycliffe Oparanya.

Kulingana na ripoti, kiongozi huyo amekuwa akiugua ugonjwa wa kisukari kwa miaka miwili hadi alipokumbana na mauti Jumanne tarehe ishirini na nne mwezi Mei mwaka huu.

Shitanda alifariki siku tatu tu baada ya kakake mkubwa Walucho Shitanda kuzikwa siku ya Jumamosi, tarehe ishirini na moja Mwezi Mei mwaka huu.
Kando na Walucho, marehemu Shitanda ana kaka wawili; Ngaira na Mwombe na dada watatu, wote wako hai. Amewaacha watoto wanne.

Rais Uhuru Kenyatta amemtaja kiongozi huyo kama aliyeipenda nchi na aliyejitolea katika kufanya kazi yake.

Yote tisa, Kumi? Mungu ailaze roho yake mahali pema.

Na Caleb Kisabuli

Thursday 5 May 2016


A typical. Local, African child would have thought exactly what I had thought at first. That is why I always say that is it not good to be born and raised up in a third world country-like Kenya.
Of course Kenya is a beautiful country, but the bitter truth remains that we are not exposed to opportunities equally; reason as to why there is a huge margin between Westlands and Eastlands; both in Nairobi.
Think with me here, or rather, help me think.
Did you ever be in my shoe? Listen, when I was young, probably ten, I knew what a degree was. Yes, you got me right, a degree I said.
In my young mind, I knew a degree to be a small stone; a pebble for that matter. This thing was supposed to be given to me, perhaps I could carry it round my neck and everybody in the village would know that the son of so and so has a degree.
This is the same thing I expected Almasi in Ken Walibora’s Ndoto ya Almasi, to give to his nephew Dina. For the sake of them that are not familiar with the text, Almasi was arrested and spend some years in jail for a mistake he did not commit at St. Joseph’s high school. Being close to Dina, Almasi’s mother told Dina that his son had gone to study. So Almasi comes back home from jail and the first mind-boggling question that Dina asks his uncle after her grandmother insists Almasi was in school is, “Basi wapi digrii”?
Maybe Dina had then same mind as me, but who knows? She might have had a completely different - but similar thoughts like the ones I had while growing up.
Now I have learnt that a degree is a piece of paper. Really? This is a great disappointment to me, isn’t it?
You know there is no way I will be walking around with my degree hanging on my neck – like a chain – as I had first thought. Isorait, Isokay.
This made me change my mind a little bit. See? The degree and my all learning is in the mind; in soft copy. No swaggering around with anything except this chain I am having on my neck, which I cunningly, but honestly took from my girlfriend, Mary.
I bet my sons and daughters will get to know some of these things at an earlier age.

Wednesday 16 March 2016

Je, IEBC ifutiliwe mbali?

Chaguzi ndogo za hivi karibuni katika kaunti ya Kericho na eneo bunge la malindi zimeonyesha kuwa Tume ya Uchaguzi na uratibu wa mipaka nchini IEBC haiaminiwi na wakenya.

Wanasiasa kutoka mirengo tofauti wamelalamikia chaguzi hizo mbili wakisema hazikuwa huru na za haki.

Swali langu ni je, Ni nani anayesema Ukweli?

Ni Jubilee, au KANU? Ni CORD au wapinzani wao?

Kwa mfano, kiongozi wa walio wengi kwenye bunge la kitaifa Aden Duale amesema kuwa uchaguzi wa malindi haukuwa wa haki kwa manufaa ya muungano pinzani CORD.

Huku hayo yakijiri, katibu mkuu na Mwenyekiti wa chama cha KANU Nick Salat na Seneta Gideon Moi mtawalia wamesema kuwa uchaguzi wa Seneta wa kaunti ya Kericho pia haukuwa wa haki kwa manufaa ya Naibu Rais William Ruto na mrengo wa Jubilee kwa jumla.

Swali langu ni je, ikiwa madai haya yangepatikana na ukweli, basi IEBC inamfanyia nani kazi?

Wanasiasa wetu wamesababisha wananchi kukosa imani na tume hii kutokana na matamshi yao kinzani ambayo kwa mtazamo wangu yanaletwa na sababu za kibinafsi, uroho na uchoyo.

Kama IEBC itarudia makosa ya ECK yaliyotokea mwaka wa elfu mbili na saba, basi haina haja ya tumee hii kubaki ilivyo.

Ama ifanyiwe mabadiliko kwenye uongozi wake au ifutiliwe mbali ili tume nyingine itakayoaminiwa na wananchi wa Kenya itengenezwe.
Ikiwa tume hii ya IEBC imekosa kuwahamasisha wakenya kikamilifu kuhusiana na kuandikisha wapiga kura, basi sioni ikiwa iko kwenye nafasi bora ya kuusimamia uchaguzi mkuu wa mwaka ujao.

Hata hivyo, hizi ni kelele za kisiasa na mara nyingi huwa na propaganda nyingi na uongo usiopimika. Pengine twaweza kuipa tume hii muda zaidi wa kufanya kazi.

Na C Okay

Wednesday 9 March 2016

International Women's Day should not be celebrated at all

Yesterday the world celebrated Women's International Day.

The theme for the celebrations was Pledge For Parity.

I wished so many women a Happy International Women's Day but to be sincere, I don't think this Day should be celebrated in any way.

Wait, I should not be misunderstood that I have less or no regard for the female gender.

My point is here, why should we celebrate a day that has less or no fruits at all?

Is this day significant in any way to the women across the world?

Very few women have made it to leadership positions all over the world. Well, this is their problem.

Women will chant "What a man can do, a woman can do better" but they never deliver when given the real roles to play.

Does it mean that women are weak? Yes, they are. That is why the constitution of Kenya created elective positions for women to compete among themselves. This makes them even weaker.

From long ago, several communities had less or no regard for women at all. Their place? The kitchen.

One may think that this only happened in Africa. Well, even in the Jewish community, women were nowhere in the men's rudder apart from being in the kitchen.

That is why the people who were fed by Jesus on five loaves and two fish were 5000 men. Women and children were not counted that day.

I even still wonder why Jesus chose twelve male disciples without considering the two-third gender rule. Perhaps it was not there.

Women all over the world and particularly in Kenya should step up and earn the respect and stop forming these groups that are all over fighting for their rights.

The number of female voters in this country is more or less the same as that of men. But I tend to believe that women are always more than men.

Any woman reading this story should pose for a while and think. What would happen if all women put their votes in one basket for female candidates seeking elective positions? Perhaps we will need a referendum to change the positions of County Members of Parliament to be represented by men.

Is this not so?

Women are their own enemies and if they don't realize this early enough, they will be waiting to be given free things forever.

Any woman who stands up to be elected is called names such as 'Prostitute'. And guess who calls them that? Not men, But fellow women.

Now, women. What do you want men to do for you to see that they have tried their best?

Some female movement in the United States is pushing for the Bible to be edited so that God be referred to as either He or She.

For them that are as religious as me, they will agree that this is the worst thing that will ever happen to Christians all over the world.

Here, I think women have gone more than it is expected as far as fighting for their rights is concerned.

Women fear competition and it is a high time they stood for that Parity rather than seek for it by celebrating this day that I am sure will not bring forth anything.

Meanwhile, I love all women. Hope you had a great celebration yesterday.

By C Okay 

Tuesday 8 March 2016

Why Maseno market does not grow

Maseno University which got it's charter in 2001 is the only one along the equator and which enjoys a very rich natural environment.

With it's aim to produce fully baked job creators to the market, the university and its environs has rather a retarded  development.

With a huge population in this local institution, the Business sector has not been seen to prosper in spite of a very available market and potential buyers.

The students for example have to go to other places such as Luanda or Kisumu to do their shopping since there is not even a single mall in the place. The few shops that are around set their own prices and is very unfortunate.

Some important services also can not be got easily. Could it be that investors fear the booming business at the place? Could it be that there is insecurity at this place? Could it be the municipality laws that hinder the development? Or could be the attitude of the residents?

This a very crucial issue to be examined and the reasons for the slow development be established. The University should stand strong on this matter.

By Peter Obare 

Saturday 5 March 2016

Maseno students urged to take up vital leadership roles in society

Kisumu County Minister for Information, Communication and Technology Michael Onyango has told Maseno University students to stand up and take leadership positions in the country.

Addressing Communication and Media Technology students Thursday afternoon, Onyango has called upon the students to take a positive role in the Country's leadership.

Mr. Onyango emphasised the need for integrity among leaders saying that it is a bad thing Kenya being rated top in terms of corruption.

Onyango said that Kenyan political class has confused the electorate with many details of corruption making them to forget about the human resource that is full in Kenya.

According to the minister, Kisumu County has not bribed any journalist or made phone calls for stories to be killed just because they portray the county in bad light.

"All my department does is to seek that journalists write the truth", said Mr. Onyango.

He went ahead to call upon the students to stand out and create an impact in the society.

"You have to be different from the rest", he said.

Moreover, the students were called upon to use the opportunities that they have to have the difference and they must account for their time.

They were also encouraged to take care of what they post on social media as it could get them into problems. They were asked to use social media wisely.

Also in attendance was Dr. Charles Nyambuga, the Head of Department for Communication and Media Technology and several lecturers.

By C Okay

Thursday 3 March 2016

Uhuru and Magufuli have NOTHING in common

The president of the republic of Kenya Uhuru Kenyatta and his Tanzanian counterpart John Magufuli have nothing in common except the Presidency.

While the son of the first president of Kenya talks a lot about fighting several biting vices such as corruption, his thoughts (if at all they are his) are not being put in practice.

Three years down the line and a majority of Kenyans are not even halfway convinced that the Jubilee government has done anything.

On the other hand, Magufuli has had only a few months in power but his efforts have been applauded world over.

His dedication to straighten Tanzania is the dedication that Africa needs. But do these egocentric African leaders see this?

Magufuli's management by wandering around has made all public officers aware of their duties and I am sure they are performing because they are not sure of the time the country's Chief Executive Officer will pay their office a visit.

On the contrary, Kenyatta's son has not even visited many parts of this country since he was elected, something that Makes people come from Turkana to Kenya.

Thanks to Mwalimu Nyerere for making the people of Tanzania realize that brotherhood is the only key to a peaceful nation.

Their debates are based on policies that are meant to help their country.

Come to Kenya and you will wonder. Even members of parliament in our country are bribed to kill some motions.

No wonder the most recent statistics put Kenya third best in corruption. It is everywhere, who doesn't know anyway?

Think of it, two countries from the same continent having a slot in the top three countries that have the highest level of corruption.

And still, Zimbabwe's Uncle bob and dictator Nkurunzinza will be preferred to be the continent's chair even when Magufuli is seated.

Back to Uhuru and Magufuli.

I understand they have spend part of this week together - to strengthen diplomatic ties - that is okay.

All I know is that Magufuli is goal oriented. The end for him justifies the means. For Uhuru, even setting up a commission of enquiry to look at a Supreme court's judge corruption allegations is based on impeachment threats.

Kenya is so rotten to the extend that friendship between Magufuli and the opposition leader Raila Odinga is in itself a threat.

But, where are your ears and eyes Mr. President?

Free advice to Kenyan president, Kenyans are tired of happenings in your government and need 'ACTION NOW'. Many have said, you risk being a one term president. I can personally confirm that.

By C Okay

Saturday 6 February 2016


Bandari FC wins DSTV SUPERCUP 2016 by an unexpected goal from Kimani in the 67th minute.

K'ogalo however played the better part of the game with a numeric disadvantage.

Friday 5 February 2016


Apart from being segmented by climatic conditions and cultural practices, Kenya is one country that you would think you have crossed the border only to realize that you are hundreds of miles away from the No-Man's land.

Of course, all that I am going to talk about is inherent and I want us to look at everything objectively and not in any way subjectively.

When you visit different parts of this country, a thought of Somalia would come into your head. When you go to the other side, you think you are in Tanzania. I mean, we are just extreme as Kenyans.

When you pay a visit to West Pokot for instance and happen to meet their herders, you will be in great shock.

Perhaps you will see a seventeen year old boy cleaning his gun without any hurry. His fellow herders will be some few distances away also with their weapons in hands. Here, you will immediately think of what you see on TV as Somalia.

Have I ever seen this near Eldoret town except with the Boinnet boys?

It is no longer a shocker to see Maasai men in their shukas and swords roaming about town with their reddish liquid in their hands.

I once carried a knife and traversed my village with it. I don't want to explain my experience in the hands of the local chief despite my dad being a well known and respected person in Chepkoilel village.

Somewhere in coast, young slow (I hear Coastarians are slow) men will will be standing in groups with banners chanting how 'Pwani Si Kenya'.

I swear some just want to be seen on television and be the village champions.

With their soft spoken Kiswahili, you may easily confuse them with some of the Tanzanian actors you once saw on a film and for a moment you will want to imagine you are in Tanzania.

Come to Busia, here you can not challenge me. I have been there personally. Who in Chepkoilel village doesn't know that the sister to my great great grandfather died in Busia?

I am not bragging anyway. What I want to say is, when you reach Busia, all the local liquor comes from Museveni's place.

My great great grandfather I mentioned earlier is said to have Married from Uganda and the bride came of foot, and she wasn't tired after all.

In Nairobi I hear life is totally different. I have never been to Nai, but I know God will make a way for me soon.

In Nairobi - from the tales of Fidelis - it is everybody for himself and God for us all. You are mugged in daylight and nobody cares. I will tell you about Fidelis later, the guy from my village who ran away from KU the other day. He's the one who assembles us for stories from Nai.

As diverse as we are as Kenyans the more our strength is. You may be wondering why I chose some parts of Kenya and ignored others. It is not my fault. Many of these places I just hear about them. I haven't been there.

We are all under the same government with our extreme behaviours. And we are one.


By C Okay

Saturday 16 January 2016


Thursday, January 14th 2016. Milcah Auma is seated in her self-made shade at her work place. I watch as she fills tubes with soil, I admire her strength- that encourages me to ask her a few questions.

Having been widowed in 2007, Milcah was left with the task of taking care of her two children, who are currently in Form two and class seven with in-laws who promised to support her not anywhere to be seen.

She narrates how she started her work here at her two-month old tree nursery in Maseno.

"Having sold maize on streets gave me the experience", she pauses. "Maize is however a seasonal product which means in some parts of the year, I was forced to stay without work nor money", she says.

Later, Milcah says she quit the maize-selling job and sought employment from a certain lady who owned a large tree nursery in Kisumu.

There, she would prepare tubes by filling them with soil, watering them and finally planting the seedlings.

Milcah Auma at her place of business
"This worked for me till the day my employer insulted me for coming late from my lunch break, I didn't report the following day and that was it".

It is then that she decided to come back to her home in Maseno, having acquired enough knowledge to run a tree nursery and started one.

For the two months she has been here, she says "things are not that bad" as she can not go back home empty handed.

She says she makes at least two hundred shillings daily since the business is young. However, she is looking foward to expand it.

Milcah says she prepares upto 500 tubes for planting seedlings on a single day. Every seedlings sells from Shs. 5  to Shs. 50 depending on the height and the type of the seedling.

She goes ahead to say that she is encouraged by friends in the business who tell her on what to expect in the coming times. She says that one friend encouraged her by his story of selling seedlings worth Shs. 75,000 one morning.

However, the main challenge to her is inadequate supply of water. She has to get water from far and sometimes, she has to hire someone to do it for her at an agreed rate of between Shs. 50-100.

She encourages young people to stop waiting for white collar jobs but instead put their hands on anything that can bring in money.

"You must sacrifice your time as nothing comes on a silver platter", she says adding that the current world is so competitive and there is no time for sleeping.

She says that everything one does pays as she remembers how her male colleague had opened an electronics shop in Luanda Market and is flourishing.

I get out of her work place more that two hours later feeling encouraged. That is really the strength of a woman.

By Kisabuli Caleb

Thursday 14 January 2016




At every level of education, people fear exams and can use any possible means to pass.

The methods may range from reading-hard work- to stealing- reaping from where one has not sown.

In most campuses, (I am saying most because thieves are probably everywhere), there are three main ways of how students steal exams. Explore them with me.


Well, we all know the power uncle Google possesses. He is very strong and popular. Is known to know everything on earth.

As such, uncle Google is preferred over other methods as he is in most cases reliable (sometimes can give you the wrong things though), depending on the website one opens.

I know of a journalism student (it is not good to mention names in such stories) who, when asked what 'casting' means in film went ahead to ask the (un)reliable uncle, 'What is casting?' Straight he went into writing " Casting is a manufacturing process in which a liquid material is usually poured into a mold..." and he went on and on. I think he passes highly.

Of course mobile phones are hard to hide especially when an examiner is around. Students put on clothes whose colour blend well with the phones colour. You Will wonder why student A - like the one we shared a first year class with - would put on a white pair of trousers during the exam period. He used a Samsung galaxy pocket-white in colour.


Works more or less the same like Google but in a hard copy form.

Small pieces of paper containing volumes of information are used. Probably, only the writer can read what they wrote as the font used might be less than size 4 (But the user does not strain)

However, it is hard to use depending on its location and the possible position of the examiner.


We all probably know this tall animal called a giraffe. Ok, if you have never seen it, you have been lucky to see a photograph or even hear story about it.

The Giraffa camelopardalis (as it is known scientifically) is tall, very tall - I know your sources also said it was tall.

Here, the longer the neck and the bigger the zooming power of one's eyes determines their success.

Of course, this is the safest method as far as evidence of cheating is required.

But what happens in case you sit next to someone who wants to giraffe also? You are in trouble.

By Kisabuli Caleb